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Home » Sand Carved Dichroic » All Products

90 Sand Carved Pattern #194 Tripin' Sunflowers, Voltage Salmon CBS Dichroic on Amber Glass
Sand Carved CBS dichroic pattern #194 on 3mm glass 90 coe. Made in USA.
Price: $32.00
90 Sand Carved Pattern #195 Flower Garden 2, Twizzle Candy CBS  Dichroic on ClearGlass
Sand Carved CBS dichroic pattern #195 on 3mm glass 90 coe. Made in USA.
Price: $34.00

90 Sand Carved Pattern #195 Flower Garden 2, Voltage Salmon CBS Dichroic on Amber Glass
Sand Carved CBS dichroic pattern #195 on 3mm glass 90 coe. Made in USA.
Price: $32.00
90 Sand Carved Pattern #197 School of Fish, Aurora Borealis Green Pink CBS Dichroic on Olive Glass
Sand Carved CBS dichroic pattern #197 3mm glass 90 coe. Made in USA.
Price: $34.00

90 Sand Carved Pattern #197 School of Fish, G-Magenta CBS  Dichroic on Clear Glass
Sand Carved CBS dichroic pattern #197 on 3mm glass 90 coe. Made in USA.
Price: $32.00
90 Sand Carved Pattern #197 School of Fish, Pixie Stix Salmon CBS Dichroic on Lt Aqua Glass
Sand Carved #197 CBS PIxie Stix Salmon on 3mm glass 90 coe. Made in USA.
Price: $32.00

90 Sand Carved Pattern #198 Seaweed 1, Aurora Borealis G-Mag CBS Dichroic on True Blue Glass
Sand Carved CBS Dichroic pattern #198 on 3mm 90 COE Glass.
Price: $34.00
90 Sand Carved Pattern #198 Seaweed 1, Aurora Borealis Red Silver CBS Dichroic on Neo Lavender Glass
Sand Carved CBS dichroic pattern #198 3mm glass 90 coe. Made in USA.
Price: $38.00

90 Sand Carved Pattern #198 Seaweed 1, Pixie Stix Salmon CBS Dichroic on Gray OP Glass
Sand Carved CBS dichroic pattern #198 on 3mm 90 COE glass. Made in USA.
Price: $32.00
90 Sand Carved Pattern #200 Twisty Town, Corkscrew CBS Dichroic on Black Glass
Sand Carved CBS dichroic pattern #200 on colored3mm glass 90 COE. Made in USA.
Price: $32.00

90 Sand Carved Pattern #200 Twisty Town, Voltage Salmon CBS Dichroic on Clear Glass
Sand Carved CBS dichroic pattern #200 on colored 3mm glass 90 COE. Made in USA.
Price: $32.00
90 Sand Carved Pattern #202 Starfish, Voltage Salmon CBS  Dichroic on Sienna Glass
Sand Carved CBS dichroic pattern #202 on 3mm glass 90 coe. Made in USA.
Price: $32.00

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